
Friday, June 29, 2012

Talking to oneself

Good morning world!!!! Hm, what should I write about today? Julia, think!! I am thinking!! Not fast enough!! Well, I think that answers that question. So, how many of you folks talk to yourself? Come on now be honest. And I don't mean the talking in your head kind; I mean the talking out loud kind.. Well? Anyone or am I just talking to myself here?? If you said no YAY YOU!! If you said yes I love your honesty.
    I am very talkative with myself; unfortunately, for anyone who is around me and likes peace and quiet. Not sure why I do it and some days are better than others. I just googled talking to oneself and found that it is actually helpful in the learning and working processes because it helps you think. Well, it does help me..not so sure about the people around me ;p
      To say I am really bad would be the biggest understatement of the world. It drives hubby CRAZY! Mostly because he doesn't always know if I am talking to him or to myself. To be fair, I am usually in another room when I am doing most of it so he can, usually, safely assume I am not talking to him...maybe...It is very embarassing when done in public work...ouch...Nothing like distracting other people. Okay, so most people can't really hear me; however, I did warn the person sitting across from me about my issue. There comment? As long as you don't answer back.....
      Hmm, go back to the beginning of this post and see Julia talking to herself..what else is she doing? Answering back!! Yes, I am one of THOSE people!! Don't hate! And be honest I bet if you really thought about it some of you do too. It helps in the decision making process when you aren't quite sure what you want...Or when you disagree with what is happening on the television. Yes I am one of those people too..Why did they do that??? Come on now!! I should have known they wuld do that...Well, I could go on all day about this toipc so I will stop there ;p
    If you are one of those people just remember to keep it to a dull roar and try not to wander aimlessly while you are talking to yourself and you will be okay!!  Remember, you are loved and appreciated. I appreciate you taking time out of your busy life to read this post. I love you guys and hope you have a wonderful day!!

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