
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Annoying phrases

Okay folks, I have had "bloggers block" for the past several days. Sinuses acting up and migraines have not helped much either, but it will get better eventually. Dear readers, if you have any suggestions for future topics I would love to hear them and you can email me at (don't ask, too lazy to change it to my blog name, maybe some day ;p).  Anyway, I decided to do another rant on, drum roll please, phrases that REALLY annoy me and why. In no order of importance or annoyance factor:
1) "It can't get any worse" and variations of this theme. Are you trying to bring on a lightening strike? Really? And let's think about it, hm, things can always get worse. Are you still breathing? And even if you are dead what guarantee do you have that things won't get worse? Hmm, put that in your pipe and smoke it! And lest you think I am kidding,  just as a warning if you EVER say that phrase around me, and I hear you, I call first dibs on slapping you! ;p Which leads us to..
2) "I know how you feel" said as a way to connect with someone who is going through a situation. Okay, this is meant with love I know; however, even if you have gone through the same trials such as the same health issue you may not know how they feel. Not to be too harsh but are your doctors the same, treatments the same, support system the same, pain levels the same? Maybe, maybe not. I think it would be better to say something like I am sorry or I don't know what you are going through but I am here or I have been through something similar and if you need anything let me know. It is most annoying to me when said by someone who has never gone through it and has not clue. But again, I think they are trying to connect. Let's move on to another connector.
3) "how are you?" By itself in a one on one situation is cool if you actually wait for a response. However, when said as part of "hi" or "hello" as you are passing someone is extremely annoying in it's pointlessness (not sure if that is a word). Just a waste of words since you really don't care to wait for the answer. How do I know this? Cause you keep walking without waiting for a response. This is another attempt to connect or appear to care but really? I always end up feeling like I have to respond with "good" even though I know they have passed out of ear shot. I am just too polite to NOT respond. Dang! And now I feel stupid for answering. Not a nice thing to do to a person who already doubts their sanity! ;p let's move on to other annoying phrases.
4) "Do we have issues?"  Why don't you just say "is there a problem or concern" This phrase if not said right can seem down right sarcastic. (This one was contributed by hubby)
5) "Whatever" When said in a dismissive tone. Usually said either when you are asking a question the other person doesn't want to answer or when the other party is not winning the discussion, debate, etc. Whatever! Such a cop out phrase. If you give up or don't want to answer, please say that and/or explain why. (Contributed by hubby)
6) "Who's your Momma?"  (Contributed by hubby) Really?? People still say this? And why? I never understood this one in the first place. Are you asking because you might be the Daddy?? Grow up! So slimy even.
7) "I guess" Said when someone either can't make up their mind and/or are afraid to commit to an answer. Really! You guess? What? How many jelly beans there are? How many licks it takes to get to the middle of a tootsie roll pop? Such a flat non-answer. Almost as bad as..
8) "It's not my job" Usually said when asked why something wasn't done right. Okay, so if it isn't your job, but you noticed a mistake that happened or is about to happen shouldn't you, at the very least, point it out to the person whose job it is?? Take ownership and show some innitiative.
9) "I'm tired" Okay, this one is usually said by me, under my breath, in that way Brick from "In the Middle" says it (said in a whisper with his head down but others can hear in case you don't know this reference). This one was also contributed by hubby; however; he is right. It is annoying even to the person who says it. In my case it is more like a sigh and can be changed to "I am hungry" or " I need to go to the bathroom"..Really? Why do I say this stuff? Cause I am nuts okay. ;p Actually, I think it is my body telling me this and forcing me to say it aloud so I will actually do something about it. At least that is my excuse.;p
 Okay, this was my list, what is yours like? Let me know I would like to hear. I sent the question to a few people I know and only go four responses :*(   And what were they?
A) "It is what it is" And yes this one is annoying and I am guilty of saying it. So, sorry! And by the way this was given to me by a second person just a minute ago. So, I guess we have a winner, winner chicken dinner ;p I interpret this to phrase mean there is no hidden meaning as in "a cigar is just a cigar". And of course I meant the phrase "It is what it is" and not "winner, winner chicken dinner". ;p
B) "They came to play" Submitted by someone who plays in bands and orchestras so I can understand why they get tired of hearing this one ;p
I received a couple of other ones that I could not quite explain. Keep them coming and I might use them in a future blog. ;p
   Beofre I sign off I wanted to say I appreciate my readers and hope that you will continute to plug along with this blog. Someday, I hope to improve and actually be funny. ;p Remember, you are loved! And if I say something that annoys you please feel free to let me know. That is preferable to a slap! ;p Have a great day all! And go Chicago Cubs and Chicago Bears!!!


  1. Not only can it always get worse, I know someone who can rattle off a list of ten ways it WILL GET WORSE BY TOMORROW (and he doesn't even have to breathe in between.) Of course, he's a professional pessimist. I just wish he wasn't so cheerful about it. Anyway, he usually only gets to do this once, and then that unwary optimist never says this to him again!

  2. And then there's "Tomorrow is another day." Okay, that seems obvious, but who's to say it will be a BETTER day, huh?


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