Hello my friends it is FRIDAY!!! Yeah!!! Someone gave me a helpful suggestion for this blog. Dedicated to my hubby ;p who always makes me laugh...
Today is what the HOH should or should not do:
1) HOH should NOT control the volume of the TV...
2) HOH shouldn't try to get close captioning on the radio in their car. .
3) HOH should have patience with the hearing...And don't laugh at their repeated attempts to be understood by you.
4) HOH shouldn't try to sing without a bucket nearby to carry a tune in..Oops, I think I was only talking about myself that time.
5) HOH should NOT be the one in charge of listening for the tornado siren or the all clear alert to go off.
6) HOH should not be the person to check out that "mysterious noise". How are they going to find it let alone identify it??
7) HOH may find it ill advised to play Marco Polo...Hmm think about it.
If you have any good ones let me know :) Hope your Friday was a blast and you all have an amazing Saturday!!! Remember you are loved...Do a random act of kindness and pass it on. Even a smile can be an act of kindness. Be good, be real and be you...
All good thoughts!
ReplyDeleteok, I did not need that to be anonymous
ReplyDeleteIt was getting too serious so I had to lightern the mood ;p