
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Today's Spiritual Post

   Good evening all, I hope you are enduring the heat this week. Hopefully, soon there will be relief for all. I have been trying to think of what to say this week and I think I want to go over some of the interesting thinks I have noticed when I view Jesus through His word. Some thoughts I have had recently that might get you to thinking too.
   Have you ever thought about the fact the Jesus knew what was going to happen in the end? How He was to suffer and die? How he was to come to His death? By being nailed to a cross with wood and nails? And what was His earthly Father's profession? Remember? Yes, that's right Joseph was a carpenter who worked with....nails and wood..Hmmm, could that be significant?? His father could have been a fisherman and Jesus would have been the fisher of men like His disciples but instead his father was a carpenter. Who do you think built the cross He was to be crucified on? A carpenter. I can't even imagine having to think about what that would lead to in the end for Him.
    Another thought, Jesus was compassionate even with His earthly Mother who asked Him to provide more wine for the wedding in Canaan. We all remember His first miracle turning water into wine; what you may not remember is that His Mother instigated it. He told her it was not yet His time, but because she told the attendants to do as He said He turned water into wine. He knew He was going to do this but I think He knew it was also important that He told her basically in a kind way, "Mom, why are you asking me this now?? It is not my time". However, He was a good son and performed the miracle.
   We also assumed He did not fear His death in the end..remember he came as a human and He would suffer. If you don't think He was afraid read Luke 22:42-44. He wept tears of blood and asked for the cup to be removed if it would be His Father's will. And yet He did what He knew was necessary to save His people. He became the sacrificial Lamb so that all could be saved. Which brings me to my last thought..If we still had to offer sacrifices to atone for our sins there would be no animals left in existence. Think about it....Hmm...
   I know this has been a long and possibly confusing blog. I just had these thoughts and wanted to share. Remember, you are loved! Not only by me but by the One who made you and who is waiting for you to seek Him. He will turn away no one who loves Him no matter what you think you may have done or what you actually have done. I hope you are all doing well and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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