
Monday, July 16, 2012

Julia's Crazy Night Moods, Part II

    Good evening all! Julia is back for the duration, hopefully ;p I have been trying to think of some non-boring rants, topics, etc... Today I decided to continue with the previous theme of Julia's crazy night moods ;p Mwahahahahaha!!!   The same friend (who shall remain nameless lest I embarrass them) who was so much fun in the bookstore in allowing me to read aloud the children's books to my hearts content! And yes I was seriously hoping that there would be a line of children behind me like the Pied Piper; alas, no such luck. Oh me! I know what you are thinking, this girl is obviously making this whole thing up! Hmm, how very little you know about me, I am a ham to the nth degree and never get to show it :*(. 
   How sad it is to want to ham it up and not be able to! That is why this friend is special to me; because they do not embarrass easily. HMM, or maybe they do and that is why we lose touch every few years? Just kidding!! We are that rare variety of friend that can pick up where we left off; however, this time they are stuck with me. ;p  So to continue our evening we stopped into Anthropologie a clothing store and did something we had not done in decades. No!! We did not shoplift, we were and are good girls! Although, the store manager may have preferred it. ;p We went through each item of clothing and critiqued it. I can see you are scratching your head..If you and I had gone it might have been boring; however, since this was something we had done before we knew how to take it to a whole new level of fun.  We commented on the feel of the fabric, how we thought it would look on us, the draping, the colors and how if we had a million dollars we would or would not buy it. And then there were the really ugly clothes we would never buy..hmm a striped blue prison matron dress anyone? Anyone?  I kid you not this dress was selling for around $100.00 and it was shaped like the old time prison matron dress. Uh guh lee!!! We talked and laughed our way through the whole store. I kept waiting for the manager to come over but then again we made a lot of positive comments so we may have sold a few things for them. ;p
   We have known each other since 2nd grade hmm I think she was the one who explained to me that kids are also baby goats (see previous post about skipping down memory lane). It is nice to have friends that know you so well that you can feel safe to be yourself around them. I can be pretty strange sometimes. Okay, more than just sometimes. I have a couple of "newer" friends that that I am learning to hang with again as well. One,  I meet for lunch once a month, remind me to tell you about the pumpkin episode some day; we can talk for hours. One I go to church with and go for lunch dates with too. And one I walk with at work everyday who manages to crack me up each day and has "talked me down off the ledge" more than once. Each of these special ladies I am sure have there own stories to tell on me too. ;p Hmm...I may have to do another part to this one...the pumpkin story is kind of funny...We shall see. I hope your evening is calm, cool and collected or at least fun ;p Here is to talking to you again tomorrow. Think about the special people in your life that make each day more bearable. Do they know? If not please let them know. Remember you are loved!!!


  1. Okay, so now I really want to hear the pumpkin story! Did you bowl with it? Put it on a headless mannequin? Blow it up?! (I grew up with explosives aficionados.)

  2. Then you need to read Part III :)


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