Well, good evening there! And how are you on this wonderfully hot night? Cool I hope. We are chillaxin in the basement keeping cool watching the telly. Long day, headache at long last gone and yes, hubby I know you are still here, I wasn't talking about you! ;p Hm, what shall we chat about tonight dear friends? Well, someone did ask about the pumpkin story so I guess I will lead with that.
Many moon ago, oh relax and take a chill pill, I am trying to be creative here, I worked with a someone who became a close friend and who was fun to hang with. While I was hanging with her my brother was asking if I knew any nice ladies and I mentioned my friend from work. She was interested, he was interested, bada bing, bada boom we set them up. And they lived happily ever after....
Oh, did I forget the part about the pumpkin? Well, they decided they wanted to do a double date, for their first date, with me and hubby so we decided to go in my car. Did I tell you I am a slob? And forgetful? Have you even read any of my blogs? I just texted my friend (yes, she still is my friend) to find out the date of the infamous pumpkin incident and it was on December 4, 1988 a day that will live in infamy! Okay, okay, I am stalling I know, I can't bear to tell the pumpkin tale. Bill told me to make sure my car was cleaned up and ready to go. I forgot as usual, same old Julia but I did take out the car seat. So, we were all set and we decided to take one car, mine. The two soon to be lovebirds decided to sit in back and we in front. My friend gets in the car and starts to get settled when she says something like "my seat is wet" and my brother looks and says something like "Eww! Julia! How come there is a pumpkin back here and how long has it been sitting here?!?! Halloween was like a month ago man". Okay, before you have a cow it was one of those mini pumpkins and easily missed if you are an absent minded Mom, who works full time and is chronically a messaholic, Okay, there is no defense and yet I still giggle cause it was insanely stupid of me not to notice it. Especially, since I wanted to make a good impression. Oh, and there is s silver lining, the happily ever after part is true. My friend and my brother are happily married and have two handsome sons. So at least it ended well even if I almost destroyed the beginning with pumpkin guts!
Having said this, I confess to having cleaned out the snot rags currently cluttering up my car just this morning so it is almost clean right now. Back then I was a nightmare when it came to my car (let's not get into the rest of my life right now; this is a blog not a book). I once gave a coworker a last minute ride home several years ago and warned them my car was a mess. This is what I said "Imagine the messiest car you have ever seen and then times that by a thousand". And yes I seriously said that since I had not planned on giving anyone a ride. Do you think she was prepared? And I kid you not the car was loaded down with newspapers, to go bags, etc. No she actually thought I was either a) kidding or b)one of "those" people that say their car is a mess when you can actually eat off the seats. Not my favorite people; not because they make me look bad, no , because then people don't believe me when I say my car, house is a mess.
Well, I think that is enough horror for one night. I hope you don't have nightmares. Hopefully, I will have a clean house and a clean car of my dreams cleaned by me, myself and I. Sweet dreams all!! And remember, You are Loved!!! And the next time someone says their car is a mess, ya might want to believe them! ;p
LOL! See? Traumatic events promote romance, you matchmaker, you!!