
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lazy Saturday, where is the rain?

    News flash; I just heard thunder like three times inside the house. In order for me to hear that it had to be loud! So, where in heck is the rain?? We got some dribbles and a spit of rain; we need more here in West Chicago, IL or we will turn into desert. Just kidding, however, we sure could use some rain. All that thunder has me hoping for some good, healthy, clean , pure rain ;p.
    Well it is a few hours later still no rain; however, some is in the forecast for tonight! Yea rain!!   Well, my vacation is almost over and it was a good week. I spent Monday with my sister in Long Grove, IL; her leg should be healing up fine now, just kidding she is fine. We had a lovely time walking around wishing we had the millions needed to buy the beautiful things there. Tuesday lunch was spent with an old friend and there was much laughter and joy at a friendship renewed. Wednesday was doctor day and my iron levels are back to normal, yea me!! Thursday hubby and I went to the Sycamore library; he for genealogy research and I spend the time catching up on magazine reading. Friday was a pain day for both of us so we relaxed and enjoyed each other's company and we found me some gym shoes that fit too :)
   Right now I am just trying to stay cool and hoping for rain. We took a nice walk in an effort to walk off the mash potatoes, gravy and chicken skin I had for dinner. LOL! For real. Boston Market has gluten free poultry gravy so I enjoyed that on my potatoes and ate the skin off of my gluten free roaster chicken. Yummy dinner!! And I have leftovers since the skin and the potatoes filled me up ;p
   Bill just informed me the rain may head south of us; hope for once he is wrong..not likely though :(
Please,  remember you are loved! Have a wonderful weekend! And pray for the Chicago Cubs; they really need it ;p

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