
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Yes, doctors are human...however

    Hello everyone!! Sorry I haven’t been producing any blogs lately. I will get better soon I promise. I have a few ideas floating around. Today, however, I wanted to see how you all are doing. Are you taking caring of yourself? Getting the rest and care you need? We all need to take care of ourselves and our bodies and often need to be our own advocates when we have health issues. Why? Because doctors are human too and they don’t always know when something is wrong with YOUR body. We have to be our own advocates sometimes or things can go very wrong.
    Examples? You want examples? Okay, I have examples for you. In my thirties I used to get the occasional pleurisy attack when I was sick (an inflammation of the lung that causes it to rub against the ribcage and causes a sharp pain when breathing). And occasionally I would get “walking” pneumonia that would not be found until an x-ray was done since my lungs always sounded clear. One day I had been suffering for hours from an attack and went to urgent care, not for pain pills, but because I knew there was a possibility of “walking” pneumonia. The doctor listened to my lungs and heard nothing so diagnosed that I was sore from coughing. I had not been coughing and I said it was not that kind of pain. The doctor gave me that attitude and look like “great another hypochondriac!”. Yes, I am familiar with that look. However, she agreed to have a chest x-ray done. When she came back with the results she actually apologized since the x-ray clearly showed some type of issue with my lungs.
    Yes, I have more examples. In my teens and in my 40’s I had issues with my ears that presented differently. In my teens I kept getting a lot of headaches and after several tests nothing could be found wrong. Since I had known ear issues my Mother took me to the ear doctor and had him look. He said that my ears wouldn’t cause a headache. However, since I had already had several ear infections and they needed to be taken care of via surgical cleaning my Mother insisted it be done like, now, since by then the left side of my face had started twitching as well. The doctor did the procedure and ended up having to remove the mastoid and other ear bones that had been disintegrated by a cholesteatoma (a benign growth of the ear). The infection and growth had started eating into my facial nerve which explained the twitching and the headaches. And yes, the headaches left after the surgery. In my 40’s I started having balance issues and my right ear felt full. I went to my ear doctor (a different one by now) several times over the course of six months and he kept insisting nothing was wrong; even saying at one point that he could practically see into my brain! I switched doctors because even hubby could tell I was having issues walking a straight line at this point. The new doctor tried to give me the same song and dance and I insisted there was something wrong and that I would go to another doctor if I had to. He agreed to do an MRI. Guess what? He apologized as well since there was a cholesteatoma in my right ear now. I had the surgery and again the mastoid bones and other ear bones were destroyed and had to be cleaned out. He estimated that it had been growing for over six months. About how long it took me to get someone to listen. Advocacy is important people!! And did I learn my lesson? No.
    A couple of years ago I kept getting sick with sinus infections that doctors kept saying they couldn’t see. Well, finally my ear doctor took a CT scan of my sinuses (again after saying nothing was wrong but this time he trusted my judgment). He came back to say the back sinuses were BAD and I ended up with surgery again. Now I do not allow anything to go on in my body for a few days without doing a check on why.
    However, by far the scariest episode happened with hubby. Two days before Thanksgiving in 2002 hubby calls me at work saying he thinks he needs to go to the emergency room can I come home. Now, my hubby would NEVER go to the doctor preferring to tough things out. So hubby saying he needed to go to the hospital said this was serious. We get to the hospital and they do their normal run of tests and come back saying everything looks good and I am thinking hmm, but I had to get our daughter from school so I left under the assumption they were going to send him home. I went to get her and I am praying the whole way don’t let them send hubby home if he isn’t okay. We get back to the hospital and the nurse says he is having a test done. A little later she comes out to tell us that he had a heart attack but he is okay. Our daughter is crying and I am in a state of shock but glad hubby is okay.
    I found out later that the cardiologist had looked at his EKG and found an extra heart beat which is an indicator you are either pregnant, which obviously hubby wasn’t, or the possibility of a possible heart attack. Turns out the doctor gave hubby the option of having an angiogram right away since the doctor was there and available or of scheduling it another day. Hubby was already in pain and wanted the test out of the way now so they did the angiogram, which led to an angioplasty and stent. If hubby had opted to wait he would not be with us today because the artery that was clogged is aptly named “the widow maker”. He would have gone home and had another heart attack that would have killed him, no lie. God was with us that day and answered my prayers. If hubby had not listened to his own body he would have died and luckily he did not wait to have the needed test done. And yes they had intended to send him home, however, anything heart related has to be checked out by a cardiologist thank goodness!!
    So, what I am trying to say is, I love you guys so if you are feeling off get it checked out. Yes, we have to be careful about over analyzing ourselves but sometimes you do know better then the doctor especially when it comes to your own body. Some things like colds can take time to recover from; but, if it has been weeks get thee to a doctor post haste! Remember, you are loved! I love you (all 20 of my fans and any new readers out there) and pray for you daily. Until next time be your own advocate if need be!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Annoying phrases

Okay folks, I have had "bloggers block" for the past several days. Sinuses acting up and migraines have not helped much either, but it will get better eventually. Dear readers, if you have any suggestions for future topics I would love to hear them and you can email me at (don't ask, too lazy to change it to my blog name, maybe some day ;p).  Anyway, I decided to do another rant on, drum roll please, phrases that REALLY annoy me and why. In no order of importance or annoyance factor:
1) "It can't get any worse" and variations of this theme. Are you trying to bring on a lightening strike? Really? And let's think about it, hm, things can always get worse. Are you still breathing? And even if you are dead what guarantee do you have that things won't get worse? Hmm, put that in your pipe and smoke it! And lest you think I am kidding,  just as a warning if you EVER say that phrase around me, and I hear you, I call first dibs on slapping you! ;p Which leads us to..
2) "I know how you feel" said as a way to connect with someone who is going through a situation. Okay, this is meant with love I know; however, even if you have gone through the same trials such as the same health issue you may not know how they feel. Not to be too harsh but are your doctors the same, treatments the same, support system the same, pain levels the same? Maybe, maybe not. I think it would be better to say something like I am sorry or I don't know what you are going through but I am here or I have been through something similar and if you need anything let me know. It is most annoying to me when said by someone who has never gone through it and has not clue. But again, I think they are trying to connect. Let's move on to another connector.
3) "how are you?" By itself in a one on one situation is cool if you actually wait for a response. However, when said as part of "hi" or "hello" as you are passing someone is extremely annoying in it's pointlessness (not sure if that is a word). Just a waste of words since you really don't care to wait for the answer. How do I know this? Cause you keep walking without waiting for a response. This is another attempt to connect or appear to care but really? I always end up feeling like I have to respond with "good" even though I know they have passed out of ear shot. I am just too polite to NOT respond. Dang! And now I feel stupid for answering. Not a nice thing to do to a person who already doubts their sanity! ;p let's move on to other annoying phrases.
4) "Do we have issues?"  Why don't you just say "is there a problem or concern" This phrase if not said right can seem down right sarcastic. (This one was contributed by hubby)
5) "Whatever" When said in a dismissive tone. Usually said either when you are asking a question the other person doesn't want to answer or when the other party is not winning the discussion, debate, etc. Whatever! Such a cop out phrase. If you give up or don't want to answer, please say that and/or explain why. (Contributed by hubby)
6) "Who's your Momma?"  (Contributed by hubby) Really?? People still say this? And why? I never understood this one in the first place. Are you asking because you might be the Daddy?? Grow up! So slimy even.
7) "I guess" Said when someone either can't make up their mind and/or are afraid to commit to an answer. Really! You guess? What? How many jelly beans there are? How many licks it takes to get to the middle of a tootsie roll pop? Such a flat non-answer. Almost as bad as..
8) "It's not my job" Usually said when asked why something wasn't done right. Okay, so if it isn't your job, but you noticed a mistake that happened or is about to happen shouldn't you, at the very least, point it out to the person whose job it is?? Take ownership and show some innitiative.
9) "I'm tired" Okay, this one is usually said by me, under my breath, in that way Brick from "In the Middle" says it (said in a whisper with his head down but others can hear in case you don't know this reference). This one was also contributed by hubby; however; he is right. It is annoying even to the person who says it. In my case it is more like a sigh and can be changed to "I am hungry" or " I need to go to the bathroom"..Really? Why do I say this stuff? Cause I am nuts okay. ;p Actually, I think it is my body telling me this and forcing me to say it aloud so I will actually do something about it. At least that is my excuse.;p
 Okay, this was my list, what is yours like? Let me know I would like to hear. I sent the question to a few people I know and only go four responses :*(   And what were they?
A) "It is what it is" And yes this one is annoying and I am guilty of saying it. So, sorry! And by the way this was given to me by a second person just a minute ago. So, I guess we have a winner, winner chicken dinner ;p I interpret this to phrase mean there is no hidden meaning as in "a cigar is just a cigar". And of course I meant the phrase "It is what it is" and not "winner, winner chicken dinner". ;p
B) "They came to play" Submitted by someone who plays in bands and orchestras so I can understand why they get tired of hearing this one ;p
I received a couple of other ones that I could not quite explain. Keep them coming and I might use them in a future blog. ;p
   Beofre I sign off I wanted to say I appreciate my readers and hope that you will continute to plug along with this blog. Someday, I hope to improve and actually be funny. ;p Remember, you are loved! And if I say something that annoys you please feel free to let me know. That is preferable to a slap! ;p Have a great day all! And go Chicago Cubs and Chicago Bears!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Julia's Crazy Night Moods Part III

   Well, good evening there! And how are you on this wonderfully hot night? Cool I hope. We are chillaxin in the basement keeping cool watching the telly. Long day, headache at long last gone and yes, hubby I know you are still here, I wasn't talking about you! ;p Hm, what shall we chat about tonight dear friends? Well, someone did ask about the pumpkin story so I guess I will lead with that.
   Many moon ago, oh relax and take a chill pill, I am trying to be creative here, I worked with a someone who became a close friend and who was fun to hang with. While I was hanging with her my brother was asking if I knew any nice ladies and I mentioned my friend from work. She was interested, he was interested, bada bing, bada boom we set them up. And they lived happily ever after....
    Oh, did I forget the part about the pumpkin? Well, they decided they wanted to do a double date, for their first date, with me and hubby so we decided to go in my car. Did I tell you I am a slob? And forgetful? Have you even read any of my blogs? I just texted my friend (yes, she still is my friend) to find out the date of the infamous pumpkin incident and it was on December 4, 1988 a day that will live in infamy! Okay, okay, I am stalling I know, I can't bear to tell the pumpkin tale. Bill told me to make sure my car was cleaned up and ready to go. I forgot as usual, same old Julia but I did take out the car seat. So, we were all set and we decided to take one car, mine. The two soon to be lovebirds decided to sit in back and we in front. My friend gets in the car and starts to get settled when she says something like "my seat is wet" and my brother looks and says something like "Eww! Julia! How come there is a pumpkin back here and how long has it been sitting here?!?! Halloween was like a month ago man". Okay, before you have a cow it was one of those mini pumpkins and easily missed if you are an absent minded Mom, who works full time and is chronically a messaholic, Okay, there is no defense and yet I still giggle cause it was insanely stupid of me not to notice it. Especially, since I wanted to make a good impression. Oh, and there is s silver lining, the happily ever after part is true. My friend and my brother are happily married and have two handsome sons. So at least it ended well even if I almost destroyed the beginning with pumpkin guts!
   Having said this, I confess to having cleaned out the snot rags currently cluttering up my car just this morning so it is almost clean right now. Back then I was a nightmare when it came to my car (let's not get into the rest of my life right now; this is a blog not a book). I once gave a coworker a last minute ride home several years ago and warned them my car was a mess. This is what I said "Imagine the messiest car you have ever seen and then times that by a thousand". And yes I seriously said that since I had not planned on giving anyone a ride. Do you think she was prepared? And I kid you not the car was loaded down with newspapers, to go bags, etc. No she actually thought I was either a) kidding or b)one of "those" people that say their car is a mess when you can actually eat off the seats. Not my favorite people; not because they make me look bad, no , because then people don't believe me when I say my car, house is a mess.
    Well, I think that is enough horror for one night. I hope you don't have nightmares. Hopefully, I will have a clean house and a clean car of my dreams cleaned by me, myself and I. Sweet dreams all!! And remember, You are Loved!!! And the next time someone says their car is a mess, ya might want to believe them! ;p

Monday, July 16, 2012

Julia's Crazy Night Moods, Part II

    Good evening all! Julia is back for the duration, hopefully ;p I have been trying to think of some non-boring rants, topics, etc... Today I decided to continue with the previous theme of Julia's crazy night moods ;p Mwahahahahaha!!!   The same friend (who shall remain nameless lest I embarrass them) who was so much fun in the bookstore in allowing me to read aloud the children's books to my hearts content! And yes I was seriously hoping that there would be a line of children behind me like the Pied Piper; alas, no such luck. Oh me! I know what you are thinking, this girl is obviously making this whole thing up! Hmm, how very little you know about me, I am a ham to the nth degree and never get to show it :*(. 
   How sad it is to want to ham it up and not be able to! That is why this friend is special to me; because they do not embarrass easily. HMM, or maybe they do and that is why we lose touch every few years? Just kidding!! We are that rare variety of friend that can pick up where we left off; however, this time they are stuck with me. ;p  So to continue our evening we stopped into Anthropologie a clothing store and did something we had not done in decades. No!! We did not shoplift, we were and are good girls! Although, the store manager may have preferred it. ;p We went through each item of clothing and critiqued it. I can see you are scratching your head..If you and I had gone it might have been boring; however, since this was something we had done before we knew how to take it to a whole new level of fun.  We commented on the feel of the fabric, how we thought it would look on us, the draping, the colors and how if we had a million dollars we would or would not buy it. And then there were the really ugly clothes we would never buy..hmm a striped blue prison matron dress anyone? Anyone?  I kid you not this dress was selling for around $100.00 and it was shaped like the old time prison matron dress. Uh guh lee!!! We talked and laughed our way through the whole store. I kept waiting for the manager to come over but then again we made a lot of positive comments so we may have sold a few things for them. ;p
   We have known each other since 2nd grade hmm I think she was the one who explained to me that kids are also baby goats (see previous post about skipping down memory lane). It is nice to have friends that know you so well that you can feel safe to be yourself around them. I can be pretty strange sometimes. Okay, more than just sometimes. I have a couple of "newer" friends that that I am learning to hang with again as well. One,  I meet for lunch once a month, remind me to tell you about the pumpkin episode some day; we can talk for hours. One I go to church with and go for lunch dates with too. And one I walk with at work everyday who manages to crack me up each day and has "talked me down off the ledge" more than once. Each of these special ladies I am sure have there own stories to tell on me too. ;p Hmm...I may have to do another part to this one...the pumpkin story is kind of funny...We shall see. I hope your evening is calm, cool and collected or at least fun ;p Here is to talking to you again tomorrow. Think about the special people in your life that make each day more bearable. Do they know? If not please let them know. Remember you are loved!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Julia's Weird Nightmoods

    Okay, I am feeling weird today so I don't know where this blog will go...Hmmmm....I have been thinking about the songs I sang as a youngling...Like..."Kookaburra sit in the old gum tree, merry, merry king of the bush is he, laugh kookaburra, laugh kookaburra gay your life must be!" Sang that in some girls group like Pioneer Girls. Loved that song. Remember "Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya, Oh Lord Kumbaya!" With the hand movements too! Of course there were the more violent songs of my youth...."Little Bunny Foo Foo hopping through the forest, scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head!" Or the really weirdly violent song sung with a yellow headed dandelion in hand. Place thumb just under the yellow head of the dandelion and just before flicking the yellow head off with your thumb sing.."momma had a baby and her head popped off!!" Sick!! ;p Beats blowing the white seed heads all over the place! ;p Just kidding cause that was fun too.
   Told you I was in a weird mood....hmmm...what next? Children's read aloud books? My daughter Heather liked "Amelia Bedelia", "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" and " I know an old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly". The last one was a favorite of mine too. We would bounce and dance around the room singing the book it was soo much fun!!
   Recently, a friend of mine and I had a blast going through the Barnes & Nobles store reading "read aloud" books out loud. Okay, I was reading them out loud I am SUCH a ham if the kids had started lining up I would have been in heaven, HAM heaven! ;p You would not believe some of the hysterically funny kids book out there now. Mo Willems has some of the best ones around! "The Duckling Gets a Cookie?" Is soo funny! Not just for the kids, it has a grownup humor in a pint size book. So much fun! These are books I would gladly buy for any child that loved a good story. We also read another one I loved that my daughter might like too "Skippyjon Jones" about a Siamese cat who thinks he is a chihuahua. So much fun, a slightly longer book though. But I still read the whole thing out loud! He, he.
    And I didn't even get to tell you what we did in Anthropolgie! Maybe next time ;p
Well, I am feeling slightly less weird and I sure had fun, I hope you did too. Remember, you are loved!! Please keep the comments coming and if you have something you would like me to write about please feel free to email me or reply to the blog or send it telepathically! Good luck with the last one! I hope you all have a great night or morning!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Today's Spiritual Post

   Good evening all, I hope you are enduring the heat this week. Hopefully, soon there will be relief for all. I have been trying to think of what to say this week and I think I want to go over some of the interesting thinks I have noticed when I view Jesus through His word. Some thoughts I have had recently that might get you to thinking too.
   Have you ever thought about the fact the Jesus knew what was going to happen in the end? How He was to suffer and die? How he was to come to His death? By being nailed to a cross with wood and nails? And what was His earthly Father's profession? Remember? Yes, that's right Joseph was a carpenter who worked with....nails and wood..Hmmm, could that be significant?? His father could have been a fisherman and Jesus would have been the fisher of men like His disciples but instead his father was a carpenter. Who do you think built the cross He was to be crucified on? A carpenter. I can't even imagine having to think about what that would lead to in the end for Him.
    Another thought, Jesus was compassionate even with His earthly Mother who asked Him to provide more wine for the wedding in Canaan. We all remember His first miracle turning water into wine; what you may not remember is that His Mother instigated it. He told her it was not yet His time, but because she told the attendants to do as He said He turned water into wine. He knew He was going to do this but I think He knew it was also important that He told her basically in a kind way, "Mom, why are you asking me this now?? It is not my time". However, He was a good son and performed the miracle.
   We also assumed He did not fear His death in the end..remember he came as a human and He would suffer. If you don't think He was afraid read Luke 22:42-44. He wept tears of blood and asked for the cup to be removed if it would be His Father's will. And yet He did what He knew was necessary to save His people. He became the sacrificial Lamb so that all could be saved. Which brings me to my last thought..If we still had to offer sacrifices to atone for our sins there would be no animals left in existence. Think about it....Hmm...
   I know this has been a long and possibly confusing blog. I just had these thoughts and wanted to share. Remember, you are loved! Not only by me but by the One who made you and who is waiting for you to seek Him. He will turn away no one who loves Him no matter what you think you may have done or what you actually have done. I hope you are all doing well and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July all!!!!

    Well, good evening all and happy Fourth of July!!!! Hoping everyone is able to stay cool and has their power back in West Chicago, IL. A lot of other people are suffering because of the weather between the wildfires, drought, the wicked storms and everything in between. I hope you are safe and well and able to find refuge somewhere if needed.
   I am home with some sinus issues, we lost power last night and spent the evening outside, which is not always the best combination in this weather, if you have allergies. We do have power back again and I hope it stays and everyone else gets theirs back. I was supposed to go hang out at my brother's house; however, I sent hubby instead. He needed a break from me ;p And he almost likes the heat, almost. I hope he is having a good time he gets stuck with me way too often for his mental health! ;p I would say I was kidding..But...I am not all bad just a little wacko sometimes is all which may be why he has stuck around for almost 27 years.
    So, while I have been staying home trying to chug liquids and take my medications and stay cool I have been watching movies. I have to pause for just a moment to catch my breath..I just turned on blinx Beat for some background noise and had the hoo haa scared out of me by some lunatic who was yelling something really loud and I thought it was Bill trying to scare me..Jeez Louise!! Too funny.
Anyhow, I was watching some cool movies that you have probably never heard of; one was "chocolate" with Jeeja Yanin, Ammara Siripong and Hiroshi Abe, cool movie! It was about a girl with autism who learned how to fight like Jackie Chan via video games and old Kung Fu movies. Really neat movie to check out of you like the Jackie Chan genre (and no he is not in the movie she was just about as good as him though). The other movie I saw was "Smoke Signals" with Adam Beach, Evan Adams and Irene Bedard based on the book "The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven", it was a good movie, no action just an emotional movie sort of.
    Well, Hubby is back home, I hope you all have or had a great Fourth of July!! Remember, as always, you are loved! Pass it on, pay it forward and never forget who you are and that you are very special!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

West Chicago, IL

Good evening all!! So I owe West Chicago an apology...I did not know how bad the devastation was. So far I have not heard of any injuries, thank goodness, but I have seen a  LOT of trees down all over. And shortly after my blog yesterday we also lost power. We got it back today three minutes before I got home; however, there are still a lot of people here without power. And it is VERY hot!!
    Me and hubby went by one of the major parks here Reed Keppler and it was bad. A lot of trees are down like the wind or an axe went through the whole park and just leveled the trees. It will survive but a lot of good trees are gone.  :( Same with Oak Meadows Cemetary, I have never seen a cemetary closed off before but due to the tree damage there you could not get in...Well, maybe but I hate to think of that way.
    I know that Com Ed is trying to get everything up and running and the heat does not help. Hard to find any humor or joy in this especially if you are suffering in the heat. I hope everyone across the US gets there power back. A lot of people out east are still without power too.
   I know this isn't the most positive of blogs but I wanted to let people know what has been happening. So, if you have neighbors who have no power and you have room perhaps you acan offer them a room. Perhaps we all could open our doors to our neighborsif needed. I know it is hard because we have become such an isolated society. I had a co-worker offer me and hubby a room and it was so thoughful of her. Especially since she knows I am a crazy lady! ;p
       It is sad that a lot of us are afraid to reach out and ask for help or afraid to share what we have for fear of rejection or fear that they will see what our house really looks like ;p That last one applies to me..Hubby tries but I am a grade A SLOB.... I thank you for your patience with this blog. Remember, you are loved!!! Hey, and if anybody has an idea or something they would like me to rant about I would love to hear it...No politics please as I am not that literate ;p Love you guys!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Spiritual Sunday

   Jesus is Lord! And how grateful I am to Him today. We are getting the rain we need or at least some of it. And so grateful that the tree branch that came down by my hubby's truck missed it. The branch was directly above hubby's truck and the wind blew it sideways away from the truck or anything else it could damage. We drove through the neighborhood and though there were branches down I saw miracles. A basketball hoop that just missed a car by an inch. Youngling trees that were uprooted by the root balls but not damaged so they should be able to be replanted. We also have power for the moment.
    There are many without power and many with damage from storms. I see the damage as a chance for regrowth. A chance to draw closer to Him who created us and this beautifil planet.  For those who are in the midst of storms I offer a couple of my favorite Psalm passages.: Psalm 27:14 "Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord." We may not always get what we want but he will provide what we need when we need it. Also Psalm 30:4-5 "Sing to the Lord, all you godly ones! Praise His holy name. His anger lasts for a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes in the moring." Psalm 27:1 "The Lord is my light and  my salvation----so why should I be afraid? The Lord protects me from danger---so why should I tremble?" These are some of my favorite passages that are highlighted in my Bible and have gotten me through some scary times.
    Someone asked me why I am writing this blog, the answer is I don't really know. To reach out? Because I hear a calling to share that you are not alone in this vast universe? Because I am egomaniacal? ;p I don't even know why I do things sometimes. I roll with the flow and hope for the best. There is one who is bigger than all of us and He is waiting for you to invite Him in. Please consider it. Especially if you feel alone and are in need of a friend; no one should travel this world alone and He will find a way for you not to be alone. Remember, you are loved my friends!! Hope you are all safe from the storms of life and have someone to hang on to. Have a great Sunday.