
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Public bathroom etiquette Please!!!! By Julia Purdom Dillavou

     Good day all, I know it has been a while. I have been on vacation and enjoying every minute of it to the max!  Well, except for.....My rant today is public bathroom etiquette! Dang, and I have only seen the women's bathrooms!! What is it about people that they feel they can leave their manners at home sometimes? Really, some of you know exactly what I mean; I can see the eye rolling and even I can hear the EWWWS!!! Ladies appear to be ladies until they meet a public bathroom and then for some, all bets are off. Here are a few of my very own pet peeves; please feel free to follow up with some of your own in case I miss any:
1) I love that public bathrooms provide those nifty sanitary seat covers since I know many people are worried about getting germs on their keisters.. However, I deeply resent people who leave them behind after they use them instead of properly  disposing of them. Come on! Like the next person wants to touch YOUR keister germs!! ICK & EWW!!!! Can I get an amen sister?!?! So if you use them please DISPOSE of them properly!!!
2) Okay, even on self flush toilets it should still be YOUR responsibility to make sure all of YOUR grossness gets flushed down the toilet; instead of making some innocent bystander a witness to your food or drink of the day! GROSS to the max!!! If you go; then, let it flow ,down the toilet, okay??
3) In reference to point number two; only put into the toilet that which is actually flushable! Would you do that at home? And even if you would you are NOT at home... Some poor innocent person has to clean up after you and NOBODY makes that much money. Just saying...
4) Please wash your hands. And if you need to use a paper towel to open the door throw it away in a garbage can; not on the ground. We are not pigs, we are human beings.
5) Oh , and if there is no toilet paper please let the management know so that they can refill for the next person.

I love you all and I know you are NOT guilty of any of these offenses, right? ;p I know we all slip up and our minds wander, etc. However, please keep the toilets stink free by flushing ;p And remember you are loved!! I have missed you all and hope this day is fantastic and this post has made you smile at least a little. We all share this planet so let's make it a fun ride all!!!


  1. We should always treat public toilet as our own. Make it a habit to follow bathroom etiquette and keep yourself clean and healthy.

    1. Very true. That is the best way to stay healthy. We all have to work together for cleaner toilets and better health ;p


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