
Saturday, June 30, 2012

About da hubby...

Hello world; I know I have been MIA for the past few days....Today I am going to write about that very special man in my life my hubby Bill. We met 28 years ago in June when we both ended up at a bar called "Close Encounters" behind "The Bowling Green" in West Chicago, IL. I was with a friend who had no problems getting dance partners; I was not as lucky and was contemplating making a sign saying "I only want to dance with you; not date you" when this handsome cowboy walked in and asked me to dance. We danced and talked and talked; he gave me his number and I said something dumb like "I don't call guys yada, yada" and we said good night. I also wasn't looking to date anyone at that time either. However, we both showed up at the same place the next night and we hung out; this time he asked for my number and I gave it to him.
    I didn't want to fall in love, I was a mess and knew I wasn't good for anyone; however, he made me laugh. I'm not talking about the little titters, he made me laugh with abandon and that is something I still value to this day. Poor thing didn't know what he was getting into. He still reminds me when he found out about the hearing aid that I said "treat me like anyone else". He still knows that is true for the most part; however, he also has adapted very well to living with a person with hearing issues and how to have fun with it. He recently found out the "Bill where are you?" game. I will make the mistake of calling out and asking him where are you and in some of his funniest voices he will call out I'm right here!. Well, I am not a bat and my ears are no help at all so here I am trying to figure out what room he is in...By the time I find him it is always "how could you not find me; I was right here?" And for the record; he is the only one who can get away with that since he speaks loudly enough for me to hear him and I refuse to kill him ;p
   Bill met my parents without me being present both times. He was invited to a party my Mother was having for a few of my brother's friends. Bill was not there yet since he wasn't due for an hour or lao and my Mother insisted she needed something so she made me and my brother go get it saying "you have time and he won't be here for a while". I get back and he was making my Mother laugh; to this day my Mother adores him and he can do no wrong in her eyes. She was a wise woman since he helped her out and gave her a beautiful grand daughter. Bill met my father because my parents were divorcing and he wanted the car back that he had given me to use; so Bill was following me to return it in La Grange, IL. I got show offy and missed my exit and ended up in Orland Park with no idea how to get back. Bill was waiting for me and concerned when I didn't show up. He went looking for my father and found him eating lunch next to his store. Bill said he was worried and my father didn't seem to care. And yes I obviously found my way back and Bill and my Father never did become friends because in Bill's eye's there was no concern for my safety and therefore no love.
   We may not be other people's cup of tea but we are hot for each other. He will even play peek a boo and jump out at me which always makes me laugh (except for the time he startled me and I stepped on his foot) Ooops...He is a grownup with an occassional 5-12 year old sense of humor which I adore! He has saved many a bad day by making me laugh. And how I love to laugh; even a simple joke or comment can get me to laugh. Being married to me gives him lots of material too ;p
   If you ever go into the local St Charles Target you may see him, he will chat and wears a vest to keep off the chill. And if I am with him and I since I am normally spacy I may accidentally get in front of your shopping cart and he will offer you a dollar to run me over wth your cart ;p Yes, it is that kind of off the wall humor I find amusing. We can have some interesting conversations as we wander around. Just saying....Well, it is time to end this blog..Remember, you are loved! And if you ever need a laugh give Bill a shout and he will be happy to accomodate ;p He may not be happy I just said that he, he. I hope you all have a wonderfull weekend. Try to stay cool and send some rain to West Chicago, Il okay?

Friday, June 29, 2012

Talking to oneself

Good morning world!!!! Hm, what should I write about today? Julia, think!! I am thinking!! Not fast enough!! Well, I think that answers that question. So, how many of you folks talk to yourself? Come on now be honest. And I don't mean the talking in your head kind; I mean the talking out loud kind.. Well? Anyone or am I just talking to myself here?? If you said no YAY YOU!! If you said yes I love your honesty.
    I am very talkative with myself; unfortunately, for anyone who is around me and likes peace and quiet. Not sure why I do it and some days are better than others. I just googled talking to oneself and found that it is actually helpful in the learning and working processes because it helps you think. Well, it does help me..not so sure about the people around me ;p
      To say I am really bad would be the biggest understatement of the world. It drives hubby CRAZY! Mostly because he doesn't always know if I am talking to him or to myself. To be fair, I am usually in another room when I am doing most of it so he can, usually, safely assume I am not talking to him...maybe...It is very embarassing when done in public work...ouch...Nothing like distracting other people. Okay, so most people can't really hear me; however, I did warn the person sitting across from me about my issue. There comment? As long as you don't answer back.....
      Hmm, go back to the beginning of this post and see Julia talking to herself..what else is she doing? Answering back!! Yes, I am one of THOSE people!! Don't hate! And be honest I bet if you really thought about it some of you do too. It helps in the decision making process when you aren't quite sure what you want...Or when you disagree with what is happening on the television. Yes I am one of those people too..Why did they do that??? Come on now!! I should have known they wuld do that...Well, I could go on all day about this toipc so I will stop there ;p
    If you are one of those people just remember to keep it to a dull roar and try not to wander aimlessly while you are talking to yourself and you will be okay!!  Remember, you are loved and appreciated. I appreciate you taking time out of your busy life to read this post. I love you guys and hope you have a wonderful day!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Chicago Cubs!!! How clean can you get man?!?!

    Hello world, today's rant??? How clean are the Chicago Cubs going to get before they start winning again???? Dang! If they get swept any more they won't need to bathe they will be so clean!! I love the Cubs but something has got to be done. If a business did this bad they would have gone under by now....Just saying...I miss Lee :*(. He was a good all around player and the Cubs could use some of those right now.
   Hubby agrees and even commented maybe they should just call it quits for the season...So sad and yet... Cubs fans are true blue..Pun intended...I want to see them rally the troops and come out slugging with their Louisville's. Come on Cubs it ain't over yet!!!! Okay, so you are in last all divisions......There is still some hope...I believe in miracles and there is always next year!!!
    To be honest I am not sure why I love the Cubs but I do. I am the family rebel. My family are all..Chicago White Sox fans!!! Oh no!!! Where did we go wrong? ;P  I think it is because hubby and I are Chicago Cubs fans not necessarily baseball fans. And then we are Chicago fans.. We will root for the White Sox if in the end they are in the World Series.  Not because we are not Cubs fans; we just aren't haters! Just kidding! I know my family would probably root for the Chicago Cubs if they ever made it into the World Series...unless...they were playing the Chicago White Sox!!!
    This is a special shout out to my big brother Mark who, although he does not care for the Chicago Cubs, does read my blog faithfully and even lets me know what he thinks. Love him dearly and miss him out in Washington!!! It is a scorcher out here in Illinois and we need the rain so how about sending us some, okay Mark??? ;p Remember, you are all special people in this world even if you are  a White Sox fan or even a Green Bay Packers fan!!!NOOOOOO!!!!!! Just kidding! You are loved and I think of you each day and pray that you have a wonderful day!!!! You are all truly loved!!

Sunday Post Spiritual, love thyself

    Good day friends...To those of you who took up the challenge the Sunday before last how did you do? I did not do well I am afraid. However, I will keep trying. As a child I memorized John 3:16: "For God so loved the world He gave his only Son so that whosoever believed in Him would have eternal life." However, the rest of John 3 is also very enlightening; it explains that He did not send His Son to condemn the world but to save it. John chapter 3 in the final verse also speaks about obedience to Him as we follow His word. If we believe then we must also act on those beliefs.
    This is something I still struggle with daily and at the age of 50 I do not see the struggle ending any time soon; because although I am saved, I still face sin on a daily basis. My greatest struggles are with being  a slob, impatience, laziness, an inability to reach out to others which may be the most selfish of all of them. And I know I am being hard on myself; however, someone needs to be.  I will never progress if I don't at least make the effort.
     I know that He loves me; however, I was reminded by someone I love that I have still not learned to love myself. I am working on it and I know I am not the only one who struggles with this. We may be creatures of our past and present situations; nevertheless, we have some one who can help us. He wants to help us. Although I still struggle with my sense of self I am still a long way from when I was a child who feared everything and suffered from extremely low self esteem. He became my friend and helped me to hold on until I was old enough to learn...Which took about 50 years ;p Cause I am still learning.
    I believe as the Bible says He is glorified through my weaknesses. I am not the one who can do all of the things I am capable of He is. He just asks that I believe and try and obey. Or as Yoda would say " Do or do not there is no try". I need to start putting one foot in front of the other and make the needed efforts. I am not worthy of His love; after all, and yet He still loves me. I even like to think that occasionally I can make Him laugh with some of the sillier "stupid" things I have done. Well, my beloved friends I hope you had a great weekend and hope your week is fantastic!! Because you deserve it. Remember, you are loved and I pray and think about you all daily. I hope we can continue our daily chats and that I can bring some hope to your day as you all bring to mine. Until the next blog..

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tears are cleansing

   Good morning world!!! So, yesterday I was going to blog about being in a pissy mood; however, I held back on that ;p.... It has been a rough week for no particular reason or too many reasons to count...In another week, I start a new chapter in my work life; my current job was shifted to Arizona and I will miss it a lot. It is what gave me the courage to finally start a blog (that and my daughter's encouragement ;p). It is hard to keep doing what I love this week only to lose it next week;however, I am incredibly blessed to still have a job and the people I will be working with are people I already know and I will enjoy working with them again. I am really lucky!!
    I am also dealing with my body issues; nothing new here just more annoying because of the heat and impacts hubby (I get even crankier than usual! ;p). Okay, if you must know the fancy shmancy name for it is Hidradenitis suppurativa. That is all I will say about that! Look it up nosy ;p. Just got off a round of prednisone for it and I hate not being weaned from it! My body has been hurting all week like I have been beat up. It is better now so I apologize to anyone I may have snapped at...
    And there is family I worry about who are going through their own very real pain issues. The prednisone "crash" made me realize how very much they must be suffering right now. So sorry :(... They were a workaholic for decades and now the pain is too much for them to work...harsh reward for so much hard work....I am lucky to have them as they are my biggest source of laughter; just wish they didn't have to suffer...This is my hubby and yet he still manages to make me laugh daily; a commodity I need a lot of..
     So, I guess I had some valid reasons for my melt down yesterday; as long as I got through it and didn't hurt anyone. We all have days when we feel the need for a good cleansing cry; that was for me: yesterday. I am not ashamed that I cried since sometimes it is needed for clarity; I would be ashamed if I had allowed it to continue or to harm anyone else. I love my life and would not trade it for any one's!! I came home after my cry and my hubby, as always,  made me laugh. I don't know what I would do without him in my life.
    Dear friends, remember you are loved no matter who you are or where you are!! It would be amazing to see all of you; old friends and new!! Remember, crying or pausing to allow the pain to flow is not a sign of weakness; after all the grass grows taller after the rain has flowed. I love you all so much and hope this blog lets you know that! Have a great day!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Good evening all!!!   It is hot, hot, hot around here!!  And the Chicago Cubs beat the Chicago White Sox!! ;p WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ;p

   Wednesday here and I haven't got a clue...Just had a bottle of water with some sugar free koolaid that was strawberry, orange and banana flavored. Sort of like a drinking jello or the kiddie koolaid offered at kids parties. Very refreshing, seriously!! Now I am drinking Arnold Palmer Half & Half ice tea lemonade mix sugar free; not quite as refreshing but it will do....Trying to stay hydrated and the fruity stuff is helping more than the ice tea stuff...hmmm.. You just never know what will work do you? Life is like that sometimes. Always chasing for the harder or more "sophisticated" fixes when something simpler may be the best way to go. The kiddie fruity stuff is the winner this time over the "grown up" ice tea ;p
    We are still in need of rain here and hope we get some soon. A nice soaking rain would be good; however, we are still better off than some areas. Blahhh!! I can't think too well...Have nothing on my mind except....Okay, "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE"!!    It starts shortly and hopefully the top 20 will be filled with talented people. We need another performer like Benjy to get the show fun to watch again ;p And more variety in the dance styles. They have been getting lazy lately and doing too much ball room, etc.
    Well, since I admitted my addiction to "So You Think You Can Dance" I might as well admit the one to "Master Chef" (yes I watch "Hell's Kitchen" but not as much of a fan). I already have some favorite chefs like Christine, Becky and Monti.  "Hell's Kitchen" just makes me wonder... Where do they get these people??? And I thought I was cranky all of the time ;p
   Well, it is getting to be that time "So You Think You Can Dance!!!". I hope you all have a wonderfully cool evening or a hot one if that is your preference.  Remember, you are loved and appreciated. Be kind to yourself as well as to the people around you; we all have to ride around this world together so we might as well be kind (Something I need to remember before I open my own mouth ;p). Good night!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Indecision or what do you want to do?

    Hello world! How are you today? I am a little bit tired  and it is a scorcher out right now!  I know it has been a while so I don't know where this will go tonight. Hmmmmm...I am thinking about the scene in Runaway Bride where Julia Roberts is sitting surrounded by an array of different kinds of eggs trying to figure out which one she likes the best. I am much the same way if you ask me for my favorite food, books, etc I would be hard pressed to tell you.
   Which can cause problems when hanging out with people. Unless I am craving something at the moment I will pretty much go wherever the other person wants to go; as long as they have something I can eat. I guess that makes me hmm...indecisive, that the right word for it? I can't decide and I really don't care. There is enough stress in life that I tend to take this attitude; which to be honest many, many people hate I know. I am a pain in the neck ; however that is because other people are the same way about making decisions. ;p
    I am not like that with everything. My choice of hubby was a no brainer..he makes me laugh which is often in short supply in life and he of all people "gets" me. I am just realizing that it is not necessarily a bad thing to be indecisive about the little things unless you allow people to walk all over you. I think some people are afraid of indecision; or another word for it that works is FLEXIBILITY; because it is viewed as a sign of weakness. I see it as being compassionate with whom I am with; how do I know if they are in pain or may want to do something they don't normally get to do when hanging out with someone else? Also, you never know what new opportunities might come up by just being patient.
    I know  I have said in past posts that I was afraid of everything as a kid; however, a friend recently reminded me of a story I told her about the game of chicken I used to play with the my bext door neighbor friend with the dirt bike. Those were true stories. I have never been afraid of a game of chicken or dodge ball. I was great at dodging things that were aimed at me such as moving dirt bikes and dodge balls; and won in chicken. Dodge ball I was good at surviving the dodge part but not the throwing part so it either ended in a tie or I lost when I threw the ball and the other person caught it. I still am a wuss at throwing objects.
    So where am I going with this? Everyone has quirks or fears; I am viewed as a people pleaser too; however, people in some form ar another terrify me. To be honest people can really annoy me and make me wonder where my hermit cave went. If you see me say hello and smile at  you that takes effort and comes from above since I am not by nature a happy go lucky kind of person. It takes a lot of work; let me tell you; so I get tired some days of even trying ;p
   Okay, so this blog went way off the beaten path. Like I said it is a scorcher and my brain is fried!!! Remember, you are loved dearly by me if no one else; which I find very hard to beleive that no one else loves you dear friend. Anyone who takes pity and reads this blog has to be a loving person and so worth getting to know!!! I love you all and I know I am going to get grief for this...Yes, I know...The Chicago Cubs are playing the Chicago White Sox tonight..So root for your favorite team!! I will be waiting on the Cubs ;p Love you all!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lazy Saturday, where is the rain?

    News flash; I just heard thunder like three times inside the house. In order for me to hear that it had to be loud! So, where in heck is the rain?? We got some dribbles and a spit of rain; we need more here in West Chicago, IL or we will turn into desert. Just kidding, however, we sure could use some rain. All that thunder has me hoping for some good, healthy, clean , pure rain ;p.
    Well it is a few hours later still no rain; however, some is in the forecast for tonight! Yea rain!!   Well, my vacation is almost over and it was a good week. I spent Monday with my sister in Long Grove, IL; her leg should be healing up fine now, just kidding she is fine. We had a lovely time walking around wishing we had the millions needed to buy the beautiful things there. Tuesday lunch was spent with an old friend and there was much laughter and joy at a friendship renewed. Wednesday was doctor day and my iron levels are back to normal, yea me!! Thursday hubby and I went to the Sycamore library; he for genealogy research and I spend the time catching up on magazine reading. Friday was a pain day for both of us so we relaxed and enjoyed each other's company and we found me some gym shoes that fit too :)
   Right now I am just trying to stay cool and hoping for rain. We took a nice walk in an effort to walk off the mash potatoes, gravy and chicken skin I had for dinner. LOL! For real. Boston Market has gluten free poultry gravy so I enjoyed that on my potatoes and ate the skin off of my gluten free roaster chicken. Yummy dinner!! And I have leftovers since the skin and the potatoes filled me up ;p
   Bill just informed me the rain may head south of us; hope for once he is wrong..not likely though :(
Please,  remember you are loved! Have a wonderful weekend! And pray for the Chicago Cubs; they really need it ;p

Public bathroom etiquette Please!!!! By Julia Purdom Dillavou

     Good day all, I know it has been a while. I have been on vacation and enjoying every minute of it to the max!  Well, except for.....My rant today is public bathroom etiquette! Dang, and I have only seen the women's bathrooms!! What is it about people that they feel they can leave their manners at home sometimes? Really, some of you know exactly what I mean; I can see the eye rolling and even I can hear the EWWWS!!! Ladies appear to be ladies until they meet a public bathroom and then for some, all bets are off. Here are a few of my very own pet peeves; please feel free to follow up with some of your own in case I miss any:
1) I love that public bathrooms provide those nifty sanitary seat covers since I know many people are worried about getting germs on their keisters.. However, I deeply resent people who leave them behind after they use them instead of properly  disposing of them. Come on! Like the next person wants to touch YOUR keister germs!! ICK & EWW!!!! Can I get an amen sister?!?! So if you use them please DISPOSE of them properly!!!
2) Okay, even on self flush toilets it should still be YOUR responsibility to make sure all of YOUR grossness gets flushed down the toilet; instead of making some innocent bystander a witness to your food or drink of the day! GROSS to the max!!! If you go; then, let it flow ,down the toilet, okay??
3) In reference to point number two; only put into the toilet that which is actually flushable! Would you do that at home? And even if you would you are NOT at home... Some poor innocent person has to clean up after you and NOBODY makes that much money. Just saying...
4) Please wash your hands. And if you need to use a paper towel to open the door throw it away in a garbage can; not on the ground. We are not pigs, we are human beings.
5) Oh , and if there is no toilet paper please let the management know so that they can refill for the next person.

I love you all and I know you are NOT guilty of any of these offenses, right? ;p I know we all slip up and our minds wander, etc. However, please keep the toilets stink free by flushing ;p And remember you are loved!! I have missed you all and hope this day is fantastic and this post has made you smile at least a little. We all share this planet so let's make it a fun ride all!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Everyday addictions By Julia Purdom Dillavou

Okay friends, I know it has been a few days...Some changes, some aches, some rearranging.....However, I am back......Hmm today's topic...Just so you are aware this blog is totally off the cuff. Hoping to to sit down and pre-write some of these; however, for the moment they are basically 5-10 minute rants or themes of what I am thinking about at this moment in time...Right now it is that we here in West Chicago need some rain and the Chicago Cubs need to give me back my broom and learn how to play the game again  ;p  But then again I would have to sweep and clean...Aww keep the dang thing!!!!
    Which leads me to my topic today...addictions of all shapes and sizes....
Yes, you have the addictions, to drugs, alcohol, smoking etc.... I am focusing on other types of addictions.. Let me preface this by with the statement that the aforementioned addictions are not problems it is just that people do not realize that many people have an addiction that they are not aware of. There are people who have addictions to exercise, cleaning, partying...I am not one of those people, I am too lazy to do any of those things ;p. Actually, I am working on trying to enjoy exercising, cleaning just gotta do it and partying not gonna happen cause I am just too boring...
    There are addictions to shopping, traveling, working, sleeping, candy, junk food... Again I am not one of these people ;p If I have the money shopping is fun, traveling hmm I am a homebody unless it is Disney world :), working I would rather do then clean any day of the week, sleeping...hmm normal there, candy was a past addiction and junk food is starting to be a thing of the past but not quite...
    Okay, now you are asking what ARE your addictions??? Hmmm, I am a recovering bookaholic who will backslide for the right book; I am addicted to television especially anything that will make me laugh; I LOVE food even with my food allergies. However, my worst addictions by far are being a slob to the Nth degree and the television... Okay occasionally a Facebook backslider too.
   I like to browbeat myself a lot; however, there are some addictions I have indeed overcome...I had a very severe, very real addiction to day dreaming..Not the occasional for a few seconds day dreaming..I am talking the big time take a nap as an excuse for day dreaming with a whole other life dreaming...Not a healthy way to live...I am also not as self hating as I used to be...Hey man, this is way better than I used to be...And seriously my addiction to books is way better, I have not read a book in 5 days. I normally could not go through a day wthout one.
   The thing about any addiction isn't necessarily that they may harm you..It is the unintentional harm done to others and the plain fact that you are missing out on one of the greatest things around!! LIFE!!! Too much day dreaming, reading, television or whatever else you do to the exclusion of living your everyday life with the people you love is an addiction and takes away time, energy and an importance of anything else in life...
   It took me decades to break the cycle of day dreaming and reading that were used to avoid people, circumstances or feelings I did not want to deal with.... So before you talk trash about someone else's addiction to alcohol, food, gaming, etc. take a look in the mirror and see if there is something you devote too much time too that is not healthy. Exercise, food, reading, etc can all be healthy pursuits until they are used to avoid life, family, friends....These are things I am still working on..Mainly for me it is television and being a slob..What are your issues?
   Remember that none of us are perfect.We all have something we want to work on, some of us have more than we would like to have. Please remember that you are loved!! We can work through these things if we reach out when we need help and if we are honest with ourselves.... So if you are sitting there thinking I am the only one with this are probably wrong and again you are loved. Until next time keep on plugging away at finding a way to enjoy life without hurting yourself or others...


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Heather!!!

Hello everyone!!!!  Today is a celebration of my youngling Heather's birthday!!! She is 26 today...
So I am going to take another trip down memory lane, sort of.
She was due in May and then in June. I was told she would be another week but she couldn't wait. The next day; after over 20 hours of labor a C section was done and she was born!! 7lbs 14oz, 21 inches long we were in love...I was so unused to the idea of having a youngling of my own that I called her Natalie for the first 24 hours (my youngest niece's name)....
   Poor thing, I was so worried about the hearing issue with her that God decided to make sure I knew she could hear and gave her super sonic hearing for first few years of her life. Airplanes made her cry, balloons scared her, she wanted to go to fun fairs but the noise was harsh..And yes she did grow out of it to become a normal teen who blasted her music.
     She was a cutie bug at times very serious and at other times very goofy ;p I never called Bill "Dad", so when she was learning to talk she would run around the house going "Beeoll, oh beeeoollll looking for her daddy. As an infant/toddler she loved being held facing out so she could see the world go by. She was a climber before she could crawl or had to watch her or she would climb ladders, couches stairs... She loved a monkey that was given to her and carried that around for years. She is very sentimental having saved a lot of momentos over the years including a baby blanket knit by her great grandmother.
   She was a quiet youngling and yes every year I got her report card with the same thing "Heather is so quiet, she needs to participate". I think she was busy observing. I had no worries because I could see that she had friends and she talked a mile a minute at home :)
   Middle school was spent driving her and her friend to the malls.
Again poor thing we didn't find out until she high school when she went to get her learner's permit that she needed glasses..OOPS! Should have seen that coming me and hubby both wear glasses.
   High School she came into her own as an individual taking up hubby's work ethic and working starting at 16. She even joined the badminton team and bowling teams.
   As a young woman she is kind and loving but not to be messed with if you are in the wrong...  She married her hubby Andres in 2007 and picked a good man and he is very lucky to have her as well. She works as a pharmacy tech after working everywhere there is to work at her company and learning everything she could. She now has a beautiful home. She is truly a gift from God. She is an amazing woman who encourages me to reach out, it was her idea for me to start blogging. I look forward to seeing what happens next in the coming years of her life. She could have a better Mother ; however, I could not have a better daughter....Happy Birthday Heather!!!!!! Remember you are all loved!!! And if you see Heather give her a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY YELL!!!! I love you Heather thank you for letting me be your Mom ;p

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Favorite book series by Julia Purdom Dillavou

Good day friends!! Sorry no post yesterday, headaches and being tired not a great combo. So today I will write about what I love; friends in books better known as characters in books. For me books were an escape and still are that is why I read the fun stuff mostly. My favorite characters are of the Sophie Kinsella Shopaholic series and  Stephanie Plum of the Janet Evanovich series.
     I love the shopaholic series and most of the rest of Ms Kinella's books because I can relate to the main character. In this series she is a nice gal who has a thing for Gucci, Prada and on and on. That is where we differ I don't do expensive brands,....because they are expensive...however, her character is a lovable girl that could be your best friend who has an addiction to all things shopping. She tries so hard to do the wrong thing and then ends up screwing up over and over again...kind of like me which is why I love her because I can relate.
     The Stephanie Plum series is a popular series loved and read by many people so I am in good company there. I love this series because there is action , adventure and loads of laughs... Again we have the female bounty hunter character who is a bit of a klutz but lucky when it comes to catching perps. And then there is the love interests Joe or Ranger.....Which camp are you in? I think I lean towards Ranger he has all the cool high tech stuff man!! She also has a tendency to get cars blown up food dumped on her...Basically, what would probably happen if I was a bounty hunter...Heck, I have taken out a 30 foot aluminum light pole and survived to tell the tale, amongst other silly stuff I have done.
   I also have to give a shout out to George Lucas who made smart move in retaining control of the Star Wars sage in books. My hubby and I love any of the series having to do with Luke, Leia and Han Solo and their kids. You probably wouldn't believe this but there are over 100 Star Wars books out there and they are true to the time lines. AND they are great if you like science fiction. I used to be a Star Trek book fan but the books are person dead hear and alive there. In Star Wars books, you die and you stay dead...Unfortunately RIP ???? I ain't gonna tell ya!
   I occasionally read more up to date books such as The Help which I loved and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo which was well written but graphic.. Let's just say I will NOT be seeing that movie. The Help and One for the Money (Stephanie Plum)  I am waiting to come out for the close captioning.
Well good night all!!! I love you all...Remember you are loved....Keep the love flowing...See you tomorrow...

Monday, June 4, 2012

Funday Monday by Julia Purdom Dillavou

Good day all! And how are you all doing? Do I hear grumbling cause it is Monday? Do I blame you? No cause I am tired too :) Time for another stroll down memory lane...Step into my time machine as we go back over some of my goofier and pleasant memories of my youngling years..... I was a city girl to begin with born in Oak Park and moved to Winfield right outside of West Chicago when I was in 2nd grade. Which compared to where I had been may as well have been a deep country area. Went from city streets with side walks to out in the boonies....Back then it still had a lot of gravel roads and in my area no sidewalks..I had never seen so much land without houses on it (Now land is harder to find)..
    On my first day of 2nd grade I was shown around by a girl carrying a frog...Hmmm, I was a little freaked but intrigued at the same time...Even chicken little younglings think things like that are cool........And then there was the incident with the kids.....A couple of kids asked me if I had any kids..I'm like umm no I'm only eight years old man why would I have kids?? Then the other kids are like we do and I am like what?? You are kidding me right?? I knew I was in another universe but what??? One of the kids took pity on me and said we are talking about baby goats and I am like ohhhhhhh!!! Okay, so I wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box...
   I loved growing up there even though I spent much of my time alone being the shy gawky kid that I was....I have the experience of being from a large family of 7 kids (now you can understand my earlier "kid" confusion) and being an only at the same time. I was number 6 of 7. Another day we will go down that road...Today we are still in the youngling selective memory stage...I loved the outdoors and was terrified of it at the same time. Garter snakes were cool to me as long as they stayed in their little sunning piles instead of slithering around. Frogs and toads again okay as long as I didn't step on one or have to touch one....Well that's not hard you say...Hmmm, back then it was almost impossible to go anywhere in the yard or the driveway without almost stepping on toads, snakes, etc...Sadly, nowadays they are harder to find which is sad...Unless they are in your house (like salamanders) or on your front stoop...Ick...
   Anyhoo,  I was afraid of everything but here is a secret...I HATED being afraid...I think if some understanding adult or sibling (hint, hint ;p) had taken the time to show me I did not need to be afraid I might have enjoyed it more...I envied by older brother Dave who was 7 years older than me and who raised everything from chickens, to sheep, to goats, to rabbits. I'm not sure what he didn't raise. He was in 4H and into the country bit the whole nine yards....While I was wishing I was either back in the city or that I would adapt already!!! ;p  ;p 
   If I had to spend my time alone at least I had trees short enough to climb so I could sit and read, bushes to hide in and play house in, there was even a pond to fish for bullheads in. Of course we only used string, safety pins and hot dogs and that was only if my next door neighbor friend would go with to take the fish off the hook or a brave girl was visiting. Catch and release. The same neighbor even had a motor bike we got to play with occasionally that was cool....And I could even drive it...Critters I was afraid of but not that...Go figure :)  Well, this has been fun but the night is winding down and I need to be off.. Remember you are loved! And if you have a youngling or even a middling who is afraid maybe you could try to help them step outside their comfort zone. After all sometimes we just need a little help from our friends in order to fly...Please let me know what your thoughts are..Good night and sweet dreams....

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday format or spiritual post

Hello all, how are you on this wonderful Sunday? I meant to write earlier in the day, however, it didn't happen. I have decided that I will be doing my normal random blog  Monday through Saturday and on Sunday will be for the Lord. Sunday's blog will either be a commentary on the sermon I hear in the morning or random thoughts about the Lord since Sunday or Saturday depending on your faith is the day to rest and to honor Him.
   Today the sermon was on John 3:1-15. Being born again in His spirit as the Lord desires us to be. I have been a believer in faith for a long time, however, I have not been a very good on acting on that faith. Believing is more than just having faith that God is there and going to church every week. As one of my favorite singers Keith Green said "going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than going into a McDonald's makes you a hamburger". It is actively accepting His Spirit and seeking His will in our lives and being a reflection of His love and spirit and basically loving Him to pieces.
   He was with me as a child and teenager when I felt alone and unlovable; if not for Him I would not be here today. As a grownup I became self centered and blamed others for my problems instead of going to Him for guidance. Here in my 50th year I know that I have failed and wonder how He can love someone like me; and I found the answer: because He loves me, the weakest of the weak and as the song goes "He isn't finished with me yet".
   This is not a pity party please don't get me wrong. I feel that I have failed because I have not reflected that love to others in my life. What am I doing to show His love?
How can I believe and be so afraid to reach out to others or fear groups? I signed up for a Bible study that I am chickening out on again; people scare me badly.  There are days I still feel like the person I was as a child; a leper that people run from or avoid. This thinking is not from the one who loves me or my very, very loving family. It comes from the evil one who wishes to see failure not success. As a re-dedication of my life to Him:
I have taken up a challenge this week from my Pastor that I hope will help me overcome my fear that maybe I am not doing His will and that I hope you will try if you are not a believer or feel a need for renewal.
I will pray:
"God if you are real; please prove yourself real to me"
Instead I will be changing it to "God I know that you are real, please point the wsy and help me to change" I have been trying for months , however, I forgot the vital component: prayer and action; to make me a kinder , more loving person and not a SLOB or LAZY anymore ;p Okay at least less slobbish and lazy each day.
I love you all very, very much and hope I have not scared you away.. If I have I will not take it personally. And again this talking about my beliefs will only appear on Sundays. The rest of the week I will be my same goofy, weird, boring self.  Please know that you are loved my friends. Tomorrow is another day or more precisely Monday...May you have sweet dreams and find what you are seeking along the way this week..Until tomorrow...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ear worms, yes you heard right ear worms

    Good day everyone, how's it hanging? I was wandering down the stairs earlier with my nightly bowl of chocolate ice cream when I had an ear worm: "Monday,  Monday" by the Mommas and the Papa's. For you younglings it was a hip group in the 60's. Before my time and I have not heard that song in ages so why now? You got me; however, that is the nature of ear worms. In case you hadn't figured it out "ear worms" are those songs that get stuck in your head. Usually, something recently listened too but can happen for no reason at all. Hence the "Monday, Monday" song on a Saturday evening.
    Which got me thinking of songs we love over the course of a lifetime. Oldsters & middlings may understand this better than younglings; however, a song you may  have loved 10 years ago may make you cringe now. Then there are the ones you will always love because of their history. Today I am going to cover the songs I remember from past to present that I liked and loved.
     As a youngling who had limited access to a radio that I could play loudly there were a handful of songs I remember listening to and enjoying; "Billy Don't Be a Hero"; "Locomotion" played in gym class; "Will you Marry Me Bill"; "I Shot the Sheriff"; "I Can See Clearly Now" and of course anything by the Jackson 5 ; The Osmond's; The Partridge Family, The Bay City Rollers and the Bee Gees (May they rest in peace). This was in grade school and middle school of course. Some of these groups I still like; Osmond's not as much, Partridge family had some peppy tunes. I was a very soft kiddie pop fan I guess.
    When I got to high school I was into the Beatles;Sonny & Cher and then Cher solo; The Carpenters; Beach Boys and Janis Ian; retro I know for those in the know. My favorite songs of that period were "At Seventeen" by Janis Ian-my theme song; "Cherokee People" by Paul Revere and the Raiders; "Gypsies, Tramp and Thieves" or anything by Cher; "Yesterday"; "Eleanor Rigby"; again still retro or sad I was a teenager in an era of angst filled teenagers; okay so I was a loner; an outsider; a wacko born a decade too late maybe?? Who cares good songs are good songs.
    Fast forward to my twenties and I was into dancing which is where I met my hubby and ironically (if you read my previous favorite songs) his name is Bill; even more ironic he does not like to dance and yet that is how we met...Hmmm. My fave song is "Hello" by Lionel Ritchie as that is "our" song. When we went dancing there were songs such as "Little Red Corvette"; "1999". Bill had a friend who would occasionally dance with me if the right song came on.."Super Freak"..Such a Freaky Girl!! Loved that song too reminds me of an old friend long passed..RIP Dan... "Dancing Queen" and too many others too remember. Cher came into her own and  loved her songs too. Got into the Beatles some more such an enduring group; fell in love with the Beach Boys thanks to Bill especially "Kokomo". Still loved the Carpenters RIP Karen. Donna Summer one of my major faves again RIP. Dang a lot of good ones have passed on so....
    Fast forward to my thirties and forties when I when I went through a country phase: Reba Mcentire; Alan Jackson; Gretchen Wilson; Neal McCoy; Alabama; John Anderson; Dolly Parton to name a few favorites. Loved "Red Neck Woman"; "Swinging"; "Wink"; again all peppy songs.
Fast forward to my forties to now..when my teenage daughter introduced me to new groups; Aqua a very peppy group, The Cranberries; Britney Spears "Oops..I Did it Again"; "Lucky". I have never really been known to follow the fads until I hit my 40's when I got into Rihanna; Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl"; a fun song. I love Adelle she has such a natural voice nothing enhanced about it.
Nowadays, my taste has changed again to K Love Radio  music: Third Day; The Afters; Mercy Me; Casting Crowns. Although I still love Adele and even like Lady Gaga.
     Well, this has been a long winded blog and I hope it brings back some memories or intrigues you enough to search them out. Ask me questions, rescue me from the next ear worm that comes along ;p. Remember you are loved and music is a gift to be shared and enjoyed......

Friday, June 1, 2012

Revenge on the HOH MWHAHAHAH!!

Hello my friends it is FRIDAY!!! Yeah!!! Someone gave me a helpful suggestion for this blog. Dedicated to my hubby ;p who always makes me laugh...

Today is what the HOH should or should not do:

1) HOH should NOT control the volume of the TV...
2) HOH shouldn't try to get close captioning on the radio in their car. .
3) HOH should have patience with the hearing...And don't laugh at their repeated attempts to be understood by you.
4) HOH shouldn't try to sing without a bucket nearby to carry a tune in..Oops, I think I was only talking about myself that time.
5) HOH should NOT be the one in charge of listening for the tornado siren or the all clear alert to go off.
6) HOH should not be the person to check out that "mysterious noise". How are they going to find it let alone identify it??
7) HOH may find it ill advised to play Marco Polo...Hmm think about it.

If you have any good ones let me know :)  Hope your Friday was a blast and you all have an amazing Saturday!!! Remember you are loved...Do a random act of kindness and pass it on. Even a smile can be an act of kindness. Be good, be real and be you...