
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Yo, it is another day & whadya know the Chicago Cubs have won two in a row!!!!! Apparently they are still in first place.....for last place in their division....Gotta love an under dog...If companies had as big a turnover as the Chicago Cubs did they would go out of business......... I miss Lee but I am glad Zambrano is gone....
    The windy city seems to be expanding as there is nothing but wind out here and sunshine.....Never thought I would wish for rain..but..rain, rain please come back again!!!
  Again, have patience I am still new at this... I had lots of cool rants to write last week..Probably with being 50 I can't remember what I was gonna say ;p
Here is a thought for the day....if you work with or have to associate with someone who is occasionally cranky for no it may make a difference...You don't know what they are going through....Not all people have it as together as you do :)......
Most important of all remember you are loved...I am here so if you have anything to say let me know...Just keep it clean..And have a marvelous day!  Oh and "Go Cubs!!!"

Stick around tomorrow and I will talk randomly about being H.O.H. see if you can figure that one out!

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